FLEX4FACT at the SDEWES 2024
Flex4Fact proudly participated in the 19th SDEWES Conference, held from September 8 to 12, 2024, in Rome, Italy. Our project partners from the Technological Institute of Aragón (ITA), represented Flex4Fact by presenting a cutting-edge Digital Twin developed for the rubber co-extrusion process at Standard Profil Group.
FLEX4FACT Partner Meeting in Milan – Advancing Industrial Energy Flexibility and Sustainability
Milan, Italy (4-5 June 2024) – The FLEX4FACT project partners gathered in Milan for a face-to-face consortium meeting. This meeting marked an important milestone in the project’s journey towards improving energy flexibility in industrial processes
SanFlex – A Decision Support Tool to Better Understand Industrial Energy Data
The SanFlex Decision Support Tool uses Sankey diagrams to graphically visualise energy flows in industrial production processes. The toolprovides a deeper understanding of energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
FLEX4FACT PhD Workshop
In March, the FLEX4FACT project organised a workshop bringing together all PhD students involved in the initiative. Learn more!
Publication of first conference paper
The FLEX4FACT project partners published their first conference paper: A Framework for Enabling Manufacturing Flexibility and Optimizing Industrial Demand Response Services. Read more!
Unlocking Energy Flexibility for Sustainable Industrial Processes
The joint webinar by FLEX4FACT, TRINEFLEX and FLEXIndustries provided a platform for presentig innovative approaches and solutions aimed at enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of industrial processes.
Unlocking Energy Flexibility for Sustainable Industrial Processes – Joint Webinar
The three EU-funded projects FLEX4FACT, TRINEFLEX, and FLEXIndustries will organize a joint webinar on energy flexibility in industries on the 23rd of October.
Processes4Planet Projects Forum
The Processes4Planet (P4P) Project Forum took place on 20 September 2023 in Brussels. Chiara Caccamo from SINTEF Energy presented the FLEX4FACT project in a panel discussion focused on decarbonisation.
2nd Press Release – August 2023
The 2nd press release of the FLEX4FACT project informs about the first-year achievements and digital tools developed to pave the way towards energy-efficient industrial sites in the EU.
Partner UPC presents two papers based on FLEX4FACT findings at the CIO2023 in Barcelona
At the CIO2023 in Barcelona project partner UPC presented two papers showcasing their findings from their work within the FLEX4FACT project.