European project FLEX4FACT: Facilitating the provision of flexibility services from industrial loads to boost integration of renewable sources in the EU
Horizon Europe project FLEX4FACT has just started
The FLEX4FACT project officially started on June 1st 2022 and will run for 42 months. A hybrid kick-off meeting held on June 16th and 17th brought together 23 organisations from 5 European countries representing the consortium. During the meeting, partners had the opportunity to introduce their competences and skills and to discuss and validate an action plan for the upcoming weeks and months of the project. With the successful launch, the partners can now start implementing the project.

An end-to-end solution for industrial sites and stakeholders
FLEX4FACT aims to make industrial sites and processes more flexible through digitisation, automation, and smart control systems. It will support industrial stakeholders seeking to integrate more renewable sources into their industrial energy systems and to provide flexibility to the electrical systems via demand response measures. FLEX4FACT will develop an end-to-end solution made of 1. tools supporting the definition of pathways for increased renewable penetration in industrial sites, 2. digital twins of 5 different industrial sites based on real use cases from the industrial partners of FLEX4FACT, 3. a module for manufacturing process planning & control and 4. a cloud platform allowing industrial sites to participate in the ancillary energy market. Cutting-edge technologies including edge computing, AI and machine learning will be deployed to optimise the energy management of industrial sites. All solutions will be developed in a modular way to allow for easy replication and upscaling in the EU.
Boosting the digital and energy transformation of the EU industry
The developed tools and knowledge are expected to accelerate the digital and energy transformation of the industrial sector in Europe and support the uptake of new renewable sources in the EU power grid. Industrial partners will be able to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels, reduce energy costs and switch to renewable sources, while generating additional revenues through the provision of flexibility services. This will increase the competitiveness of the EU industry. Additionally, FLEX4FACT will help secure the EU leadership in research and innovation in the cyber-physical transformation of manufacturing, leading to the creation of a skilled workforce. Furthermore, the project supports the EU Green Deal through reduction of GHG emissions and creation of conditions for more liveable industrial cities.
The FLEX4FACT project in short
The project, coordinated by SINTEF Manufacturing AS, started in June 2022 and will run until November 2025. It consists of 23 partners from Norway, Spain, Germany, Italy and Ireland:
Sintef Manufacturing AS, Sintef Industry AS, Sintef Energy AS, CITCEA-UPC and DOPS from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Instituto tecnologico de Aragon, Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum, Evolvere SPA societa benefit, Aingura IIOT SL, Ikergune, We Plus S.p.a., Centro di competenza Start 4.0, Standard profil Spain SA, Inaventa solar AS, Seacsub SPA, Barna Steel SA, University College Cork, Capgemini Engineering, Fachhochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen, Institutt for energiteknikk, Rheinisch-Westfaelische technische Hochschule Aachen, Stam SRL, Sener ingeniera and sistemas SA and Theben AG.
FLEX4FACT is receiving funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement 101058657. The European Commission is co-funding the project with nearly € 18 million.